Category Archives: Uncategorized

Drake of the North Wind

For those that tune in to my Sunday mount runs they so far have been disappointing in that no mounts have dropped. I had gotten my Karazhan mount after years of farming just prior to starting my stream, and as posted earlier finally got the headless horseman’s mount as well. I dont have a video for the horseman’s mount because it was a quick run I did just before leaving the house. Didn’t think it would be worth recording but maybe I should have.

If you have not checked out my youtube channel yet, you should go do so. Make sure you subscribe as all the interesting happening on the live stream will get posted there as well.  Otherwise go there now and my newest video is an upload from Twitch with my run through the Vortex Pinnacle and finally getting my drake. This puts me at 199 mounts! My goal is to hit 200 BEFORE Warlords of Draenor hits. That gives me two days to either grind out a meta achieve for the mount, or get lucky with my mount runs. Believe that once I hit 200 I will be sharing my victory with you!

Hallow’s End

Hallow’s End has come and gone in World of Warcraft. After years of running the Headless Horseman event I finally got my mount!

I squealed like a 12 year old at a Bieber concert when it showed up in my loot. I have been farming the Headless Horseman for years with no luck. Gotten multiple healms and swords but never the mount. He is now mine!

I also did a solo run of ICC on Sundays stream. Burned through all the bosses on 10 man, flipped to 25 man for Lich King and did my “Been waiting a long time for this” achieve to finish off my 25 man meta. With the addition of these two mounts I am now at 198. So close to the 200 mount achieve, yet so far. I will continue streaming my mount runs on Sunday. Tune in to wish me luck and hear my squeal again when those runs finally net me two more mounts.

I have also created a new Worgen Warlock to do meta runs with a friend on his Alliance server. Sadly since the patch has hit this does not give me the double agent achievement as the max level in the game is now technically 100. I will try to get a weekday stream time set for those meta runs so anyone interested can tune in and watch!